About Neutron Therapy Research Center (NTRC)
Okayama University Neutron Therapy Research Center (NTRC) is BNCT's new international research and education center.

What is neutron therapy?
BNCT is cutting-edge cancer therapy.
Neutron therapy is a concept that is an extension of BNCT. It is possible to severely damage cancer cells by neutron irradiation using low energy boron (10B) atoms that selectively target cancer cells, without affecting healthy ones. BNCT can be used to target malignant cancer tissues in which cancer cells are intricately-intertwined with normal cells. This treatment enhances the Quality of Life (QoL) of patients with cancer.

- ❶Accumulation of boron atoms in tumor cells
- ❷Slow neutrons irradiation
- ❸Damage of tumor cells by neutron capture and fission reactions
The lethality of capture reactions of 10B and neutrons is limited within the diameter of the target cell, so that
surrounding normal cells can be spared from damage. This contributes to maintaining a high quality of life (QOL) and
less expenses of treatment for patients. The principle of BNCT was proposed in the US in 1936, clinical studies in
Japan using research reactors started in 1968, and using accelerators started in 2012. At present, BNCT is validated for
its effectiveness against cancers
such as head and neck cancer, malignant brain tumors, and melanomas.

About our reserch
Aiming to develop
a new generation BNCT.
Improvement of cancer-selective boron agents for personal BNCT, and utilization of efficient neutron generator are of paramount importance.
NTRC is collaborating with researchers worldwide
to establish secure and reliable BNCT procedure.
We aim to make BNCT to be one of the standard
cancer treatments.